I've been actively trying to find out what would happen if I let 'things' go for a while, let them just be natural. 'Things' is a very general term I'm aware and it has a purpose, I'm allowing this theory to infest every aspect of what it can touch in my life and it will expand and contract over time as I reach conclusions and discoveries. As you've been reading I've been trying to get back to nature with my body, my eating habits and my over all health. As an extension of discovering how things naturally work without any meddling I have let my garden overgrow and go to seed. Surprisingly is has taught me more than I thought it would. I have learned an extra measure of patience and observation. It has bothered me more having an unsightly garden than it did to give up shaving. I never once felt the need to explain my hairy legs or pits to anyone, I was firm in my convictions of the benefits. Although I am clearly aware of the perks of seeding I found myself constantly apologizing and ashamed of the over all look of the space as if it was not being used appropriately. It's strange all the little odd stipulations I have preconceived and to notice them in their bare honesty for what they are. Aside from that I've learned gathering seeds has been a watching game, a very short window with some plants as the seeds easily disperse and opportunities are missed while others take time to allow for a proper dry out, but again, if the birds find them on that perfect day before you do it will all be for naught. however I feel my days are very easily filled and fulfilled checking each plant several times daily and slowly gathering absorbent amounts of seeds to categorize and preserve for future planting. Getting back to nature and learning all it's basic quirks as 'things' grow and learning why manicuring is important for strong produce and 'good fruit'. I have found this too crosses back over into every day life. Often we need landmarks for our life and careful and matriculates manicuring to get us to prosperous fruits. Spiritually this also struck a cord, I've been really trying to SCUBA dive into the scriptures and see what comes out to me at this time in my life. One of the more resounding phrases is the recurrence of referring to our works being as 'good fruit' or 'not good fruit'. I have spent much time meditating on life as if it were fully wild and also on life groomed. I've thought many deep thoughts about who the grooming is up to. I have been filled with peace in my heart finding I have control over the fruits in my garden of life and the production thereof. However this is equally frightening, not having another to blame and knowing the responsibility to gain the required knowledge is wholly mine and if I am lazy and choose not to change my life; to seek out information, that too falls directly upon myself and the responsibility that follows once knowledge is gained. I am thankful for the life instruction I have gathered thus far and have a new awakened eagerness to find what I can learn and how well I can groom my garden to produce 'good fruits' and to follow Christ. Thank you Father in Heaven for this great earth and this great opportunity.
        I don't remember who said it but I recall the philosophy that everyone should own at least one pair of good boots. I didn't really understand the importance of that until I fell in love with my very first pair of boots. They were bought with Christmas money I had gotten from my oldest sister, I was eighteen and working in the city, it was time. They were tall and black and leather. The heels of the boots clicked when I walked and I walked so they'd click. I understood. Boots give you a little kick, a little power. I've found a good pair of boots to always come in handy when I want to make a statement; to myself or to others. 

The Tall boot:
a Tall boot really does a lot. They protect you from the elements and are like a warm hug. Whether waders while you fly fish or spiked heel thigh highs, a knee to over the knee boot makes you feel safe, in control and confident. They bring lots of attention so if you are a shrinking violet a tall striking boot may be just the thing to get you out of your shell. 

The Rain/Garden boot:
I have not yet found a rain/garden boot that I accept and have procured, but clearly I know the great importance and use of a good water proof calf high shoe. I'm sure it will save a bit of laundry to be done if I don't have to change my pants because the bottoms are caked in mud from working in the yard. Of course rainy days could be more accessible as well with such an item. I'd love input on your rain/garden boot experiences to help my quest.

The Cowboy boot:
This foot covering has always been an exotic wonder to me. I would see other people wearing cowboy boots and look really good. But then I would see people who wear them and love them but they just look out of place. I did not know which of these categories I would end up in if I ever found myself in the position to wear a boot claiming that I am something I clearly am not. Turns out it matters not, and I look great in cowboy boots. Again, a great sense of control and balance in my life when I wear these boots, mine have a nice clicking heel so I'm a demanding force that you'll hear coming. 

The Sensible boot:
Be kind to your feet. Make sure when you find a boot it is made of quality material that will mold to you and endure for many years. Wear a boot that fits your foot... unless you're not planning on being on your feet, because you wont be; a boot that is too loose will chafe and blister your feet and one too tight will cause corns and bunions. An hour or more in ill fitting boots and you may as well cut off your feet with a jagged saw, it will be more comfortable. 

Boots build confidence and go with almost anything in a wardrobe, they can be a life saver in an emergency and they can go where no little shoe can. A Good boot is a thing to have.

          Switching from my regular routine to an all natural regiment was not pretty by any means. My journey was all about discovery. Discovering for myself what natural meant, what healthy meant and understanding what knowledge this world has provided me and what knowledge God has provided me and finding my way through. 

First I gave up on makeup: cover ups and powders. Then I gave up the smells: sprays, lotions, shampoo, antiperspirant. And of course accent makeup: mascara, eye liner, eye shadows, lip stick, lip gloss, and lip moisturizers. Then was finding out about my hair: cut hair next to the skin and how razors leave the skin open is not healthy for your body and is done out of vanity only. 

I had to discover what 'naked' was for me. I had to get right down to it on all the POISON I bombard my body with each day. 

I don't NEED any of it. 

As time went on I noticed I did need more. More confidence in my decisions. More patience With those not yet discovering how to find health. More odor control. Luckily I have a man in my life that is very understanding of my journey and has suffered many a month of stinky hairy arms before helping my find natural products that I felt good about using.

Tom's of Main! What a LIFE SAVER! They have deodorants that are natural and meet all my requirements, and they even smell nice too. Florid free toothpaste and mouth washes. Thank you Thank you Thank you Tom's.
          It's been well over a year since I started on the Wen system. I still le it and so does my hair and I've picked up a few more great tips along the way. My hair is long and soft and the breakage is at a minimal. My hair strands are thick and voluminous yet very easy to style. I get compliments all the time and I feel GREAT! I never knew that being confident in my hair could have such a difference on my life.

          My first challenge was to stop washing my hair. I'm down to about one washing a month (unless I've gotten into a spiders nest in the garden again). This is in great help to the miracle that is corn starch. By dipping my fingers in a little bit of starch and fluffing up the oily parts of my hair I have cut out a lot of washing. Shorter showers means more time for other things, less $$ to the water bill. Awesome. 

          Second challenge, Keep my dirty hands out of my hair. (and off my face and out of my mouth for that matter). I couldn't believe how many bad habits I had. I didn't even know when I started all this. The fact is, hands are dirty, and they were always in my hair making it dirty and greasy, pulling on the stands getting them stuck in my rings and snapping them off. The more I could keep from 'playing with my hair' the healthier I noticed it would get. Now I make sure to clean my hand before and after handling my hair.

       The hardest and latest challenge for me is keeping my hair trimmed. Previously I put it up to monetary reasons, but that's just an excuse. Hair should be trimmed to keep the splits from running, it doesn't need to be a salon visit every few weeks, but just getting friendly with the old hair scissors. 

More adventures including body hair: Legs, underarms whatever you de-hair. I adore sugar waxing as an alternative to shaving and regular waxing. My skin has the sweetest softest feel to them afterwards. It was getting a little expensive after a while so I got a little creative and found a website with a  formula and a message I really liked. It took just a couple of tries before I was waxing like a pro. My first attempt left me a little bruised in sensitive areas but I got better as I built up my nerve. It's all about speed and direction. In addition to waxing I also like buffer pads to keep down the fuzz. I very much like both methods. My skin is still dehydrated and gets scaly from time to time, but drinking lots of water and healthy lathering of coconut oil and we'll see how I'm doing a year from now. 
First Murder mission .... better hair care ....

     I first heard about Wen through ButtonsI had been going through transitional phases regarding my usual beauty products about this time last year. I was having a serious crisis. All my life I had watched the commercials and shopped in the stores. I lathered and spritzed I sprayed and I dabbed. Then I'd powder and prim and lather on a little more. Vanity was the key and it was all around me. I Shaved and I Soaped I sloughed and I soaked. But never did I take my body's health in mind. All of the sudden I started turning over my labels and actually finding out what all those names were that I couldn't pronounce, and the worse ones are the one I could pronounce but the name is not what it seems.

     So there I was Lost and confused, and seemingly misused by my trusted beauty products. They were all killing me, making me feel gross and poofy. Keeping weight I knew there was no healthy reason for accumulating on my body. From my scalp to the souls of my feet I have been through a journey to retrenchment and have learned much along the way.

     So we'll Start the vanity issue the way I did, from the top. I was having a really difficult time with my hair, head and scalp. My hair was thin and frail, it would be very oily by midday and would not hold a shape to save it's life. It would be limp with a halo of broken string-lets of frizz. And underneath it all my scalp would still flake up. Not exactly a good look for me. 

     I looked into making my own homemade shampoos and conditioners but quickly realized the very items that would make it lather and do the things that I was so convinced were good for me were the very things holding my health hostage. So I went another rout. I started looking into making myself a cleansing lotion, infused with select extracts and oils that I had looked up to improve the health and well being of my head and scalp. 

     I was all a buzz!! I was so very excited to share my news of this new venture I was looking to take up of making my own hair products. I must have been going on and on because I remember telling her how I had found that the dryness of my scalp and the grease in my hair were due to the same reason, which was that I was drying out my scalp with washing and to make up for it my head would produce lots of oils to re-hydrate my hair. Sometime past ingredients, logo and marketing strategy she was finally able to introduce me to a wonderful product she had been using and really liked. It was EXACTLY the product I would have made! Chaz Dean is one smart man! He really has a choice product with WEN hair care. 

     I have not washed my hair since March 2012, and my hair has never been healthier, cleaner, thicker or happier than is has this past year. Each season I get a pack of amazingly fragrant essential infused cleansers and other goodies to nourish into my hair.

WEN works for all hair types, you'll never WASH again!

Meow For Now